Willow Smith 'loves' metal music, says mother

Sure to give her song 'Whip My Hair' a whole new meaning, Jada Pinkett Smith has revealed her 10-year-old popstar daughter Willow is a fan of metal music.

The actress, who formed metal band Wicked Wisdom in the 2000s, has spoken of the Smith family's love of the genre -- although whether or not husband
Will likes a bit of a mosh is unclear.

Speaking to the
Metro, Smith revealed that Willow "loves heavy music" and but conceded that she stopped her own metal career in order to support her children's own endeavours.

She said: "She loves heavy music. She loves a group called
Lamb Of God and one of her favourite albums is 'Killadelphia'."

She added: "I love rock 'n' roll but you have to stay on the road to do it. For me to be available for what Jaden and Willow are doing means I've had to let it go. Part of Willow's passion for music came from being on the road with me. She and Jaden loved going with me from place to place to perform."

Jada Pinkett Smith's relationship with metal however wasn't the smoothest at times however, admitting she was "mocked" when she played metal and had also received "death threats" when she had been added to the bill at the
Ozzfest Festival.