Adam Ant to headline Japan charity gig tonight and watch showcase clips here now

The music legend Adam Ant will headline a night of live music, comedy and karaoke at the Relentless Garage in Highbury on Saturday 2nd of April in aid of the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

Joining him are some of the most promising London-based Japanese musicians will take part in the evening hosted by comedian and presenter Iain Lee of Absolute Radio. Japanese celebrities will offer their support at the event via exclusive video messages to show their gratitude as well as offer encouragement to those doing their own fund-raising activities.

It would be fantastic if you could get this bit of news out there, all money from tickets go towards charity - we're aiming to make at least £5000 if not much more, but we'll need your help! So please give this a mention, tweet or add it to your listings.

Watch Tuesday's press showcase performance of Car Trouble at 'Under The Bridge' below. Our exclusive interview will be live soon.