Wedding Pasha Ungu and Adelia

Wedding Events Pasha and Adelia now on the verge of the door. The event ceremony will be held on Sunday, March 27, 2011 at 08.00 am on Batununggal Graha Indah, Jl Batununggal Indah IX No. 2, Bandung. Events pasha and Adelia ceremony will be held in the morning that will be directly followed by a reception that starts at 11.00 pm.Pasha's wedding dowry in cash and Adel Euro 99
Pasha future wife, whose name was complete Adeline Wilhelmina asks for money worth 99 Euros as her dowry. Figures 99 and Euro currencies proved to have a special meaning for Adel. Figures for 1999 according to him is a symbol of Asmaul Husna are good names of Allah, while the euro currency future wife Pasha deliberately chosen to commemorate when Garuda Indonesia is allowed to fly back to Europe, where when it happened to Adel become one of the crew cabin.Pasha and Adel perform traditional procession
The event has been carried out by customary spray Pasha and Adeline Wilhelmina. Both do the spray together in a location that was only a few houses only. Women who familiarly called Adel was carrying out spray in his parents' residence on Jl Margacinta, Stone Fruit, Bandung. The former air hostess was wearing a batik fashion on the show.
Before carrying out processions spray, Adel and Pasha perform custom event Sungkeman. Adel did Sungkeman to parents and older brothers, and Pasha was doing the same thing to both parents.
Pasha, the vocalist purple band is seen crying while undergoing a traditional ceremony, the atmosphere felt emotion Pasha when washing the feet of their parents and apologize to them. Pasha said this was the first time he washed the feet of his parents. Pasha also experienced mixed feelings when it must undergo a series of procession.

"I was rarely communicate with my dad. Rarely met with my mother because of the crowded schedule of Purple. Thus it is not resistant nangisnya and I apologize to them, "Pasha said in a press conference at the residence on Jl Margacinta Adel, Stone Fruit, Bandung, on Saturday (26/03/2011) afternoon.
A series of traditional Sundanese has also been done. Starting from Sungkeman to spray events conducted in two separate places. After a procession Sungkeman and spray, Pasha's family came to the parents by bringing seserahan Adel. Goods provided for these seserahan include towels, kebaya, high heels, perfume and bed cover.
In the event, and Adel Pasha looks very harmonious. Dress shirt decorated with sequins which used Adel makes it look more elegant. While Pasha was wearing a white koko in the event.